Opinion : Coffee Eliquid, is there a better combination than Coffee and Tobacco?

Coffee! I love it: Espresso, Latte, Cappuccino, Flat White, Cortado - you name the Coffee style, and I’m a fan.

I'm pretty into different coffee origins as well; my favourite is Hawaiian Kona, which is a massive treat because it is more than a little expensive. Monsooned Malaba is another style I’m particularly fond of. Suppose you have never delved into different coffees and their drastically different flavours. In that case, I highly recommend you take a trip to The Coffee Bean Shop and pick up some samples if you enjoy this holiest of beverages. Try pairing them with your vapes; it's pretty rewarding.

But what is the place of coffee in the Vaping world? Is it alongside a good vape, or is it in the vape (coffee e-liquid flavourings obviously - not actual coffee .. that would be dangerous!)

A few years ago, I would have said no; Coffee flavours were entirely.. essential - they were all a bit like a coffee-flavoured sweet rather than a proper coffee, but flavouring technology has moved on to such an extent that these days there are some damn realistic coffee flavours out there, from espressos and cappuccinos to Coffee Liqueurs and Coffee Cake.

It will not be long; it is probably already possible to re-create the tastes of individual coffee estates like Monsooned Malabar, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, and my exulted Hawaiian Kona. This is a day I look forward to - and If I can find it … I will most definitely create Coffee E-liquids re-creating those flavours. 

As it stands at the minute,  The difference is “limited” (and I use that term loosely because it is pretty clever) to Latte, Cappuccino, etc - as in different coffee cups rather than other types of coffee. Still, some genuine Coffee E-liquid gems exist for those with the coffee bug.

For my tastes, unsurprisingly, I like a tobacco and Coffee mix; when I from Druid's Brew created the Kona Paka E-liquid - the richness of the Tamahaac tobacco bought out the richness in our chosen coffee flavour that reminded both of Hawaiian Kona - hence the name. This quickly became my favourite E-liquid, turning me on to Coffee Tobacco E-liquids.

There is an absolute array of Coffee E-liquids out there now, both with and Sans Tobacco, in 10ml TPD Coffee E-liquid form and Coffee Shortfills like these - 50ml Coffee Shortfills. The Milky style Coffees available now are really quite good; I’m finding myself quite the fan of our own Mocha Latte (the Vegan Option! Coconut milk based!)

It doesn’t stop there, though … It's not just Coffee - Coffee Liqueurs have become good over the years; you are not left out for those fans of Irish cream, Kahlua and Borghetti. 

Those of you who have been around for a few years will probably know that Manabush has been working on a coffee tobacco e-liquid flavour for years but, until recently, has never settled on a finished product. Experiments have spawned “Mash” in the Spiritwalker reborn range (a Caramel, Biscuit, Coffee Liqueur Espresso and Cream Vape Juice), and we are on the cusp of finally releasing a Nokomis-based one in the Tribute range. For those curious about Mash, we derived it from the word Muckadaymashkeekiwabu - which is Ojibwe/Chippewa Native American for Coffee - more correctly, Black Medicine water.

Is there a Coffee flavour you would like to see? 

Reply in the comments below, and you never know - we might have a pop!

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